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Wealth Management
How to Ensure Your UVP, Mission and Vision Statements Are Effective

We spend an inordinate amount of time in this industry training advisors how to craft statements: elevator pitches, unique value proposition (UVP) statements, mission statements, vision statements, etc. But we spend virtually no time teaching advisors how to use those statements to help shape and lead their practices.

Podcasts, Panels and Presentations
JIFFY.AI’s Panel Discussion: “Automation in Financial Services”

Podcasts, Panels and Presentations
Asset-Map’s AdviceTech.LIVE: “What’s Next in Advice Tech”

Youtube Channel
When to Use Network Drives vs. the Cloud

In this video, Chief of Staff Erin discusses how to streamline your document management process.

Youtube Channel
How to Be Productive During an “Off Week”

In this video, Penny discusses ways to stay productive and efficient when you have a light calendar.

Meeting the Evolving Needs of Female HNW Investors

Women are a growing economic force in the world, controlling one-third of all wealth. Yet many wealth management firms and the industry as a whole continue to misunderstand the needs of women investors leaving them underserved.

Finding the Cure For Fragmented Data in Legacy Wealth Management Systems

According to a 2019 study, small businesses use an average of 40 different apps. This number grows  to over 200 for enterprise-sized companies and can include many with overlapping and duplicative functionality due to merger and acquisitions that pile layer upon layer of tech debt.

Wealth Management
What Happens When You Resign From a Non-Broker Protocol Firm?

Non-Broker Protocol breaks can be challenging if you are not prepared for what could happen before, during and after your transition. If you are considering transitioning out of your firm, the first thing you should do is find out if your firm participates in Broker Protocol. The Broker Protocol is an agreement between firms enabling advisors to leave one for another amicably. The agreement outlines the pieces of client information that the advisor can take with them and dictates the process for leaving and communicating with clients.

Youtube Channel
How to Wow Prospects Without Trying

In this video, Penny discusses simple steps you and your team can take to wow prospects and new clients.